Aarhus University Seal

The Junior Researcher Association

Engage with your peers

The aims of the Junior Researcher Association


The Junior Researcher Association aims to improve the working conditions for Postdocs and Assistant Professors, and works closely with the Aarhus University leadership and administration to achieve the best possible environment, making Aarhus University a more attractive place for postdoctoral training. We also organize relevant events and seminars for JRs.  

We focus on:

  • Discussing and improving working conditions for junior researchers
  • Representing junior researchers from all faculties, schools, and departments of Aarhus University in political boards
  • Facilitating communication and networking between junior researchers within all faculties, schools, and departments of Aarhus University.

Our new flyer

We have designed a new flyer for the Junior Researcher Association. Have a look at the flyer here and spread the word about AU Junior Researcher Association.

Be part of our community and sign up to the JRA newsletter:

JRA Board Members


You are always welcome to contact us on juniorresearcher@au.dk


Stuck in the postdoc svamp

In January, the new executive order on staff structure at Danish public research institutions, including universities, came into force.

The new version of the law clarifies that the staff categories assistant prof./researcher, associate prof./senior researcher, and professor are intended as a coherent university career path, and puts more focus on tenure track positions. However, in the JRA, we agree with the union DM's recommendation that tenure track employment should be the rule rather than the exception. Also, there is still no clear career path for post docs and other staff between the level of PhD student and assistant professor. Importantly, the law states that universities must make career perspectives visible to scientific employees, especially those in temporary positions. This must happen through among other things, continuous dialogue with the individual employee on career paths both at and outside the university.

A link to the law is available here.

An English translation can be found here

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