Aarhus University Seal

Vitae resources

Vitae is the global leader in the professional development of researchers and provides resources to enhance the skills and careers of researchers.

All researchers at Aarhus University have access to the full suite of online resources from Vitae.

What online resources does Vitae provide?

By registering and logging in, you will have unlimited access to materials for your career development and professional development.

Examples include:

  • Training materials
  • CV tools
  • Planning tools for professional development
  • Vitae Researcher Development Framework
  • Information sheets
  • Online professional development planning courses
  • Career management tools

Who can benefit from using Vitae?

Vitae provides support for multiple roles involved in the professional development and career development of researchers. Besides tools targeted directly at researchers, they also offer resources for people supporting other researchers' development and for those supervising or managing other researchers.

Resources for different users

Register as a new user

  1. Click the button to sign in
  2. Register as a user at a Vitae membership organisation
  3. Use your AU email (@au.dk) to register